Feedback from my students:

Hey Pojo it’s Dom, rememeber me from class! I just wanted to thank you for everything you have done for me and my friends, starting from motivational mondays to fridays fours, they really got me through a rough time in life. I know sometimes we were a pain in your ass but in life there are ups and downs and I have learned that from being in your class. I just want to thank you for making a huge impact on my life and it’s safe to say you were my favorite teacher i have ever had. I really do appreciate all you have done for me! People like you make this world a better place and I will never forget the lessons you have taught me in life. You are someone I look up to be in my future and you were always such a postive role model even when you were having bad days. We all love you pojo and I will never forget the lessons you have taught me I will continue to carry that forward with me for the rest of my life! Love you Pojo!🐙❤️ 

Hey Pojo, this is Dante. I’m headed off to plymouth tomorrow and thought of you. I just want to say that I greatly appreciate you and all that you do and who you are as a person. You showed us students love that not all of us get at home and outside of that classroom and treated us all with equality. Continue being yourself as you always have as that’s your best self. God bless you